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Wild Tales [no sign-ups required]

#170885 Posted on 2018-05-17 11:14:12

Wild Tales

Aloft the wind, I ride the night sky, I see the world through a much different sky
Power, beauty, strength and grace, I feel the spirits of ancestral space
Pride of herd, sisters and brothers, I live ever watchful standing by others
A kaleidoscope of colors, no two ever the same, the short, the tall, the long of mane
I know the chance, I know the fear, I live on the edge for death crouches near
On my back I carry a load, through storm and calm, ever vigilant and bold
I have died in battle, killed by man, hunted by predator as I roamed the land
No more room, not grazing enough, captured, shot, sold by pound on bills of landing
Yet I survive, sometimes an insurmountable course
I am feral, I am Mustang, I am a wild horse.

~ Trish Beckwith
"Beauty of a Wild Horse"

The thundering of hooves resonates through the foothills of the greater canyons, plateaus, and grasslands across the continent. The spirit of wild horses among these lands can be heard for miles. And the story unfolding before your very eyes is one of the many wild tales of the majestic creatures of horses. Join on the journey among them, learning hardships, facing enemies, and facing themselves as the tales of the equines unfold.


How to Join:

It's simple and easy, just hop on in with a simple character description and start! It's just that easy...
But don't forget to follow the simple rules:

- first and foremost, you must follow all EV rules and guidelines
- no godmodding or controlling of other people's characters
- no overly graphic descriptions
- no unrealistic character, this is meant to be a heavily realistic rp so no characters should possess superhuman abilities
- hate the oc not the person behind it
- drama is okay within the rp not outside of it
- have a problem?, take it up with me through pm or take it to the EV mods


Happy Roleplaying!

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#170886 Posted on 2018-05-17 11:24:10

Active Characters

- Clifford 
a 16.1 hh stallion with a fiery red chestnut coat sporting no markings and a contrasting liver colored mane and tail, warm brown eyes and an equally fiery personality, dutch warmblood draft cross

- Juliet
a 15.2 hh mare with a cream colored coat peppered with black leopard spots, silvery mane and tail streaked with a few black hairs, crystal blue eyes and a bubbly personality, appaloosa mule

A 18hh pitch black mare with blue eyes, a spirited, sarcastic personality, long slightly wavy black mane and tail, Frieab/Marwari cross

A 17hh stallion with a silver dark grullo coat, black dorsal stripe, black leg barring, and a black mane and tail with streaks of silver, calm brown eyes, very laid back, easygoing, Thoroughbred/Pryor Mountain Mustang cross

 - Zanus 
17.5 hh stricking black stallion, a white snip on his nose and a small star hidden behind his forelock with amber colored eyes. Thoroughbred Quarter horse cross. Cautious, secretive, brave and trust worthy to most.

- Clover  

16 hh beautiful palomino splash paint with one light brown eye and one blue, strips of white and cream in her mane and tail. American paint horse Morgan cross. Shy, calm and friendly.

- BamBam 
14.2 hh // grullo frame overo colt with piercing blue eyes and dark charcoal mane and tail // chinco mustang cross // takes any and all offense to short jokes, easily angered, but easy to please


15.0 hh // seal brown colt with flaxen mane and warm brown eyes // sports a crescent star leaning to the upper right of his left eye and a stocking rising up his hind right leg, dapples coating the lighter brown portions of his body // quarter horse cross // laid back and not much for words, he's a typical sidekick to his partner in crime and older, but shorter brother, BamBam

Last edited on 2018-05-18 at 13:37:05 by Sinister

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#170888 Posted on 2018-05-17 11:33:04

A 18hh pitch black mare with blue eyes, a spirited, sarcastic personality, long slightly wavy black mane and tail, Frieab/Marwari cross

A 17hh stallion with a silver dark grullo coat, black dorsal stripe, black leg barring, and a black mane and tail with streaks of silver, calm brown eyes, very laid back, easygoing, Thoroughbred/Pryor Mountain Mustang cross

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#170890 Posted on 2018-05-17 11:38:48


Clifford trotted up and down the creek bank searching for a shallow place to cross. It was much too wide to cross by jumping and the current was too strong and would easily carry even the strongest and mightiest equine down stream. The heavy rainstorms have hardly settled and it was increasingly difficult to travel anywhere without getting stuck in mud. The chestnut stallion snorted as his eyes scanned the murky water of any sign of safe crossing but there wasn't one. Snorting unhappily he turned away and picked his pace up to a canter. He would have to find another way to cross to the other side and meet up with the herd that was probably many miles away by now. Cliff was beginning to think that his foolish idea of following the scent of the herd was useless. Would they accept him? Or would they chase him off? Or worse. They could just kill him on the spot. The thoughts made the stallion shudder, but being a prey item and being alone was much worse. At least in his opinion it was.


Juliet swished her tail back and forth, her long ears flicking in every direction. Around her, surrounded her family. Her herd. She was by no means top dog and she liked it that way. Because if it were up to her, then the herd would be outrageously chaotic. The leadership life just wasn't for her. The spotted mule lifted her head, grass falling as she munched happily. Horses of every color surrounded her. The sight made Juliet happy. It wasn't too long ago that she had joined this family. But she would rather not think of her past. It wasn't the brightest and most outstanding past. But nonetheless, a past with the two-leggeds was never to be mentioned. 

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#170895 Posted on 2018-05-17 12:09:18

He moved slowly along with the herd, grazing happily. He looked around again, love swelling at the sight of the horses around him. His family. His life as a loner seemed to him to be so long ago, like a distant dream. He gently swished his black and silver tail, shooing the flies that buzzed around him away. 

She trotted sure-footedly through the forest that ran along the river. She had been trailing the herd from a long distance for about a year now. She hadn’t fully decided wether to try to join or to just keep on forging ahead on her own, although it was hard going. The scars on her flank and fine, large head told the story of several run ins with animals such as cougars and bears. So far she’d been able to either fight them off or outrun them. 

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#170920 Posted on 2018-05-17 14:43:19

 Zanus - 17.5 hh stricking black stallion, a white snip on his nose and a small star hidden behind his forelock with amber colored eyes. Thoroughbred Quarter horse cross. Cautious, secretive, brave and trust worthy to most.

Clover - 16 hh beautiful palomino splash paint with one light brown eye and one blue, strips of white and cream in her mane and tail. American paint horse Morgan cross. Shy, calm and friendly.


Zanus walked slowly as he looked around, he had recently spotted a herd and had decided to follow them. He hasn't followed them for long and was just now making a big circle around the herd watching them graze, he hadn't thought of joining them or anything he was curious about them. But even then he wouldn't aprouch them until he's decided that they weren't a threat in anyway.


Clover grazed beside the herd,she stuck with the side of the herd not wanting to be anyones way. As she grazed she kept an eye on both the heard and the open area where they where grazing, she didn't want to be surprised by anything. After a few minutes of grazing she raised her head looking toward the trees then back at the herd, she thought about going up to one if them and starting a conversation but she was to shy.

Last edited on 2018-05-17 at 19:05:49 by Albert the Great

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#171070 Posted on 2018-05-18 10:44:13

BamBam - 14.2 hh // grullo frame overo colt with piercing blue eyes and dark charcoal mane and tail // chinco mustang cross // takes any and all offense to short jokes, easily angered, but easy to please

Suho - 15.0 hh // seal brown colt with flaxen mane and warm brown eyes // sports a crescent star leaning to the upper right of his left eye and a stocking rising up his hind right leg, dapples coating the lighter brown portions of his body // quarter horse cross // laid back and not much for words, he's a typical sidekick to his partner in crime and older, but shorter brother, BamBam


BamBam twisted around, facing Suho who was looking at him nonchalantly. He obviously didn't look pleased with the latest concoction of fooling around. "C'mon, it's a great plan and you know it, just hang with me little brother," BamBam pleaded, his lower lip jutting out. But Suho didn't budge, his expression unwavering. "You know, usually the younger one is supposed to be the troublemaker," BamBam continued as he scattered leaves over the pile of thick mud. BamBam's plan was to convince one of his herd mates to jump in the pile of leaves, unsuspecting of the mud underneath. BamBam's eyes watched Suho who only stood staring back. "Give me one reason why this isn't going to be the funniest thing you've seen all year," BamBam questioned, getting irritated with his brother's unwavering silence. 

Suho sighed and shook his head, his thick mane flopping from side to side. "Maybe because one day one of us is going to become herd leader," Suho finally answered, his glaring eyes watching his brother. "At least one of us has to act mature around here and since you won't do it then I have to." Lately, Suho had been getting increasingly tired of the antics of BamBam. He was sure that the entire herd agreed. "While some things may be funny, I definitely don't think this sort of thing is." Suho stomped his foot, a cloud of pesky flies scattering before landing in various places right back on his legs and flank. "You can do this sort of thing on your own today." Without another word Suho walked away at a slow pace. In his place was a pouting BamBam.

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#171262 Posted on 2018-05-20 12:36:31


Clifford stopped short, his hooves sliding under the muddy terrain. Mud flung up in the air, pelting him and clumping in his coat. But that was the least of his worries. The scent of another equine alerted him, causing him to come to a complete stop. He scanned the area with his eyes, his ears perked up and flicked to pick up any sound. He didn't see the equine, but he certainly smelled them. His nostrils flared and continued forward, heading back in the direction of the overflowing creek. Water drops began to fall from the sky, stinging the stallion's already icy cold feeling body. "This rain needs to stop," he growled out angrily. It was long forgotten of the scent of the other equine nearby in Cliff's mind and he had finally brought the creek back in to his view. But he still didn't see a safe place to cross. He stopped for a moment, shaking his body with water flying everywhere. Not that it did much good when it was still raining. The scent of the other equine came to Cliff's nostrils once more. He knew that they were nearby. That's when Cliff noticed a mare coming his way. She was larger than her, but seemingly hadn't noticed his presence yet. He wondered if he should stay and greet her or high tail it out of the area. She didn't look threatening, but even Cliff knew that looks could be deceiving.


Juliet swished her tail, feeling the raindrops that were falling from the sky. As much as she enjoyed the rain, the feeling was getting repetitive and she wanted it to end. Her hooves carried her towards the cover of a few trees. She continued to graze, plucking at the grass bit by bit. Her ears flicked to the sound of a few of her herd mates nearby. She knew their voices well. Of course everyone in the herd knew BamBam and Suho well, one of them was to be the herd's next leader. Juliet's crystal blue eyes landed on Suho, who was coming her way but not directly looking at her. "Suho," she whinnied out in his direction to catch his attention. She trotted the remaining distance between them, slowing down just as she was in reach of him. "What is BamBam up to now," she asked curiously although rather irritant, knowing that whatever it was it was nothing good.

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#171265 Posted on 2018-05-20 12:49:01

She halted her lope, coming to a neat sliding stop that scent mud flying out as the scent of another equine caught her attention. She immediately spied the horse, who smelled like a stallion. She lifted her large head, testing his scent on the wind to see if she recognized him. Nope. She watched him wearily with her blue eyes, figuring out wether he was a threat or not. 

He noticed Suho coming back without BamBam, and perked his ears as Juliet questioned the colt, waiting for his answer. Anytime BamBam wasn’t up to something was a rare one. 

Last edited on 2018-05-27 at 15:29:24 by Midnight Outlaw

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#171279 Posted on 2018-05-20 14:00:05


BamBam left the leaf covered mud of a trap behind and headed towards the herd. Curses were mumbled under his breath about Suho being a party pooper to BamBam's fun. "Who said I wasn't fit to be a leader," he muttered to himself as he halted and kicked a decently sized rock with his hoof. With a sigh he looked back to where his brother was, talking to Juliet. "Whatever, I don't want to be a leader anyway, not if it means I have to be serious all the time." The grullo colt continued to walk until he had made distance between him and where his brother was. He was on the edge of the plains, near the tree line of the deep forest that hid who knows what predators. The only time the herd ever dared to venture in there was when they were short of food during the winter months. Out of the corner of his eye he saw movement which caused his ears to immediately prick forward on alert and his nostrils to flare. He took a step forward, his body parallel to the tree line. But he didn't see the movement again. What he did see was an unfamiliar stallion trailing behind the herd. He approached the taller, darker stallion confidently but hesitantly, wary of the stallion's motives. "Who are you," he questioned, his words commanding answers, "Why are you trailing my herd?"


Suho's ear went forward at the sound of his name, his eyes darting to the mule mare that was trotting his way. A smile graced his features, accepting the mare's questions. "What isn't he up to," he replied sarcastically. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that other nearby herd members were listening in. "But if I were you, I would steer clear of any leaf piles for now," he continued, "BamBam seems to want to pull a prank involving very slippery mud. Seems to think that I want to be involved with it too." A sigh came from Suho as he thought of his brother. He wondered if BamBam would ever grow out of the whole pranking thing. But then again, he didn't think BamBam ever would. It was in his nature to pull pranks and had been doing so since a he was a weanling. Or so Suho had been told. 

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#220457 Posted on 2020-04-07 20:22:53

Rengade:Mare,15.2 hh,Liver Chestnut with a thin,barley noticeable Crescent in the middle of her nose.Ice blue eyes, her tail is about to her hocks and a wavy,mid-neck mane.

Last edited on 2020-06-28 at 08:41:40 by Silver Falls

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#221817 Posted on 2020-04-27 13:42:03

Dillon: 15.2 hh bay stallion with two hind coronets that look more like bracelets. His tail is above his hocks.
Diesel: 14.3hh red roan stallion with a blaze. He ate Dillon's tail

Dillon slowly, his small tail swishing about furiously. He had been walking for about three days now, and his feet were beginning to get sore. His legs were being bitten by flies, because he was unable to swish them off with his tail.
"Thanks," He muttered sarcastically to Diesel.

Diesel looked up at Dillon's tone. Usually he was nice and gentle---the bugs must really be bothering Dillon.
"Sorry Dillon." He said earnestly. "I was so bored."
Dillon ignored him and the two walked along in silence, trying to find a herd they could join

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#224716 Posted on 2020-06-28 08:50:31

Renegade lifted off into a Capriole. She landed softly. Though she did not have much stamina, she was fast and agile. She pranced around a few trees and started abruptly into a dead gallop. She jumped a small lilac bush and landed hard. She slipped on the grass and plopped on her side. She slid on a little and stopped. Her side was aching and bruised. She grunted in pain though she didnt seek help like anyone else in the world.

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