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PRS and HorseGirl PRIVATE RP

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PRS and HorseGirl PRIVATE RP

#253582 Posted on 2022-02-28 04:12:05

     Rowan grazed with his herd as the sun went up. Two yearlings were playing nearby, and he made sure they didn't go where they weren't supposed to. Though they went in the trees, and Rowan went after them. "That's enough fun for now. Go back to the herd," he said nudging them a bit. The stallion couldn't get that mare out of his head. Wherever he went she would pop up. But why? There are several other herds out there.

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#253584 Posted on 2022-02-28 05:47:13

Star couldn't help but noticed that every time she was something so that wild stallion, she couldn't get him out of mind nor could she forget about him. Was she really starting to develop feeling for him?. She often questioned her self that, but she might never know the answer to that question. "Oooo there is a creek neat by.. Imma go drink from that" she said walking towards the creek. 

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#253587 Posted on 2022-02-28 08:24:38

     Rowan brought his herd to the river from where the creek had come from. The stallion took a drink before walking a short distance from the herd as he rolled in the sand and dirt. He got up and shook his body getting most of the sand off of him. The stallion then walked over to Rico, "Oh don't look at me like that." he said talking to Rico as his friend not his guard.
     "Why are you so unwilling to let that mare into the herd? She has no where else to go." he asked as Rowan watched the herd. "She doesn't seem to be a threat."
     "I don't have the time to teach that mare what she needs to know to stay wild. She doesn't belong out here. Whenever I saw her at the stables she was fine." he replied keeping his eyes on his herd as he walked off.

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#253588 Posted on 2022-02-28 08:31:03

Star has easily learned some of things to stay in the wild, she learned how to not have any tracks left behind so the humans couldn't follow her to a in bring her back to the stables. She also learned how to find a great spot for food, wondering if the wild stallion herd be interested in having the field considering everyone was skinny and needed to eat, especially for the upcoming foals that were due. She softly trotted back into the forest trying to find the wild stallion herd and then she finally found them " I know you clearly don't wanna seee again, but I found a great spot for your herd to graze, and you herd clearly needs the food with the upcoming foals. I'm just trying to help here". She softly pawrd at the ground waiting for an answer from him.

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#253591 Posted on 2022-02-28 08:41:41

     Rowan turned around as the mare appeared again. "We already have our grazing grounds. It's natural to loose weight in the time of winter. I think I know what I'm doing," he snorted turning away again as he went to go get another drink. The stallion looked up seeing Rico looking at him, but only gave a snort and led the herd back to the meadow. Rico just sighed and stayed in the back of the herd.

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#253594 Posted on 2022-02-28 08:49:06

Star didn't know what to do, she was only trying to help out the herd, with some extra grazing areas. The stallion blows her off again even though she didn't do anything wrong. She sighed and slowly walked back into the forest, not sure what to do anymore she just stared at the water in the creek wondering why he won't tkse her in? Or he wouldn't appect her help. She was clearly not threat to anymore, she just wanted a place to stay.  She crossed the creek, even though it was a bit high she still went for it. Once she was done crossing the creek. She looked back at the herd "they really need more food, but he never aspects my help when I offer it to him, like time too". But yet she still had feeling for him somehow.

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#253595 Posted on 2022-02-28 08:58:12

     This time of year was the hardest. Rowan didn't have the time to take in another mare as the first snow would hit soon. Foals will be born by the end of the season, and it could be a crucial time depending on how harsh the winter season would be. Though, it was going to be a harsh one, and Rowan started to sense it. The herd's winter coats had been coming in thicker and quicker, and the atmosphere was changing. The stallion knew it would be snowing pretty much at any time now. Though the mare would of never experienced a winter this harsh in the forest before. Nonetheless, there was more important work to be done. 

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#253596 Posted on 2022-02-28 09:07:26

Star could sense that it was gonna snow any time soon and that fact she hasn't experience a winter in the forest before, this would be her first time. She was determined to do the best she could to survivie this harsh winter. She trotted to large ceadrtwood tree. Only then did she find a den very large enough to allow her to lay down in it. And so she did, she found it every comfoty for right now. It wasn't too cold nor was it too hot, it was just right for her and too keep out of the cold. The next day it started to snow, she hadn't been out of the den since yesterday. She wondered how that stallion herd was holding up. As she got up and walked out of the den, snow blew right into her face and she was covered in snow with in mins.

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#253599 Posted on 2022-02-28 10:00:15

     Rowan led the herd to the thickest part of the forest. The trees were larger here, and provided more shelter for the herd. "We'll be good in here for now," he said as the herd hunkered down as it started snowing. Rowan stood looking up then he looked at the direction from which they came. The stallion sighed as it was cold enough his breath was visible. "This is going to be a long and harsh winter..." he said slowly turning around walking to the herd. It was the hardest time of the year especially for foals, the older mares, and the ones who haven't experienced it in the wild before.

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#253602 Posted on 2022-02-28 10:09:56

Star was sleeping in a cave near the edge of the forest, when she heard a bunch of horses neighs close by. She could hardly see out of the cable she was currently living in. The snow started to lighten up a bit to the point where she could see, somewhat but not by much. She saw the stallion walking through his herd and checking up on them. She deicide to stay put and wouldn't bother his herd, since clearly he didn't want anything to do with her. She just realized it has been a while since she had seen him nor has it been a while since he has seen her. She had been living in the cave for the past few months "I wonder what he is up to?" She questioned her self. She watched the snow gently fall onto the cave ground and melt instantly as soon as it touched the cave ground. The cave was warmer than she though it would be during the harsh winter season "may I should offer some of his herd members to stay the night in the cave, so they don't get too cold out here?".

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#253604 Posted on 2022-02-28 10:23:59

     The herd and most of the guards huddled together for warmth. This made the herd as warm as they needed to be while Rowan, Rico, and another guard kept watch. Predators were also out during winter trying to find a good meal, so someone had to keep watch. Rowan had lowered his head, and used his hoof to dig the snow. "It's already pretty deep...and there isn't much food left here," he said to himself, "We'll have to find somewhere else to stay." he said. It was normal for herds to move around to different areas during the winter as it kept their blood flowing, and they had to find other food sources. Though, Rowan had to make sure the herd left before they were stuck there, but they got out at the right time to find somewhere else to stay for awhile. 
     As the guards made sure the herd was all there, Rowan was leading them through the snow as it was hard to see anything. Soon enough, Rowan and the herd had reached what seemed to be a open area. Rowan walked forward as the herd stood behind, but what he didn't know what that he was walking on the ice. The ice that covered the river. The stallion looked down hearing cracking only to realize then where he was. Rowan reared as the ice broke from underneath him as he fell into the freezing water.

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#253607 Posted on 2022-02-28 10:30:04

Star had heard neighing coming from the river, she bolted up and ran right to the creek, where she found Rowan right in through river and she could see the the ice hole that he had fallen into. She had quick thinking and grab a huge branch and carried it to him "here grab on to this and I'll help you out of there" she pulled as much she to get of out there and they successes in getting him, but she could tell he was gonna get cold after the harsh snow fall they had just gotten "I know you probably won't aspect my my help, but I have a cave that I have been living in for the past few months and it pretty warm in there, so if you want you can stay in there and dry off and so can your herd. They look like they are very cold out here". She wondered if he was gonna aspect the help she offered this to not because of the pervuous times he had rejected her help.

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#253613 Posted on 2022-02-28 11:46:21

     Rico and the other guards stayed put at Rowan's command. He didn't want them getting into the same situation. Was that mare always nearby? Rowan though did get out due to the mare's help. Once he was out, he was quick to get off the ice as he stood beside Rico. The stallion knew what Rico was trying to say with the look Rico gave him. Rowan looked at his herd, and sighed. The stallion didn't want to accept the help, but he did it for his herd, and only for them. Well maybe a little bit for himself as he'd literally freeze if he was out there for a long while. "Just this once," he said as Rico seemed to be proud as he walked alongside Rowan.

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#253614 Posted on 2022-02-28 11:58:46

Star lead them into the forest near a large cedarwood tree, and just past that large cedarwood tree was the den that she has been living in the past few months "here we are. This the den I have been talking about" she felt happy that Rowan appeccted her offer on letting the herd stay out of the freezing cold. She walked over to Rowan "Thanks, for appeccting my offer. I'm just trying to help everyone out." Even though there was enough for the herd to stay in her den there wasn't much room for her. So she just ended up sleeping outside the cave. She didn't care that she was sleeping outside as long everyone was okay and keeping warm in the cave. 
The next morning Star woke up Early to find a spot of food where everyone could eat from, cause they looked like they were starving. She found a huge patch of grass that was unthawed by the sun cause it was on the warm side early this morning. She trotted back and not leaving ant tracks on where she went. "If you guys are hungry I found a huge spot of unthawed grass near by" she told the herd in case someone was hungry.

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#253616 Posted on 2022-02-28 13:45:56

     "Don't get used to it," he said as the mare thanked him before turning away. As Rowan turned away, Rico went up to her. "Just ignore him. He can be...stubborn and he doesn't just take in anyone..." he said leaving another reason out not wanting to anger her, "But...thanks," he said before going back over to Rowan. "You know she's only trying to help...right?" he said as his friend not his guard. Though, Rowan said nothing.
     The next morning, Rowan just turned away again as the mare offered food. The herd just looked at him unsure on what to do before one mare who was close to foaling stepped up, "Where is it?" she asked in a soft and unsure voice.

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