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In the process of a big art project!

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In the process of a big art project!

#267326 Posted on 2023-03-15 09:47:12

So yeah, the title explains little of what I am doing a big project of what, so I am drawing a horse- in my time and my style, I took break since it took me an hour to draw the outlines perfectly, and I wish I had a phone to show ya'll, but I'm not trusted with that- because of three reasons- not going into detail!

Ah- off track.. Anyways I also added the tail and the lines for the mane and two lines for the forelock, I am actually trying to draw a horse into a mosiac-like art, and obviously.. I had to redraw the legs once or twice in the back- the right (or left) hind quarter and the two front legs as well.

I also had to redraw the neck and the broad chest to symbolize that it was running- the head is funny looking, but I can't draw perfectly, so I erased it and redraw it myself- without an animted drawing running, but it seemed perfect enough as I also drew the ears.

But this horse drawing is gonna break me- and I usually take a day off too if I need it, since I did do the outlines first and drew some lines to indicate what is going to be angled, its- going to take me days on end to make it perfect enough, but I'll update everyone on the project- but not right now as I need to cool down from working on a drawing.

Cheers, Lizzy♥

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